Reporter David Josefson

My name is David and born in 1988. Grown up in a Scuba family and could never get enough about adventurous scuba stories from my dad, checking his equipment and dreaming of being an underwater explorer one day.

This dream was in my mind for many years, till I dared to have a try dive and right after that doing my open water licence in 2013. I did one dive and already told my partner “I’m going to be a divemaster” (though I didn’t even know what is a divemaster, to be honest)

I kept diving and diving, visited many places and didn’t stop with education. Pretty soon, I figured out another path of diving, called technical diving. This was like a dream in a dream. More toys for guys, more tools, equipment, strict rules, fancy wrecks and caves to explore and the need to improve yourself all the time.

The path of being a professional

I realised, being a professional isn’t as easy as many people thinking about. You have a huge responsibility and you shouldn’t take it on your light shoulder.

I was waiting for this step and kept doing what many people recommended me: practice practice practice till I felt ready. After I got enough experience as a divemaster while working in Thailand, I decided being an instructor. It was one of my best decisions I have made for a long time. Finally I could show and teach everyone about the hobby I fell in love with: Scuba diving

This journey has still no end, even if I’m an technical instructor right now, I keep going to learn more and try every chance to show our beautiful underwater nature to everyone.

I figured out my passion of underwater videography

My first camera I bought in my life was an underwater camera, and I didn’t know what I was doing. Just pressed the button and was hoping something good will happen... It did not haha
I found my way of doing short “trailers” about scuba to entertain and show others our beautiful world. Over years I improved my skills and still love what I am doing. Making videos and going tech.

To my set up: Right now I’m owning a canon G7X mark II which I got from one of my best friend.

David Josefson

SSI technical XR instructor
TDI extended range instructor

Portfolio (Video)

Portfolio (Foto)


Kurzfilme (Trailers), Süsswasser, Reviews

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  • coming soon..

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Canon G7X Mark II